Make Room:
A Guide to Biblical Justice in South Africa
In the beginning God made the heavens and the earth. And then God made room for us … although He was under no obligation to do so.
Designed as a resource for you, your family and your church, Make Room asks us to begin making room in every aspect of our thoughts, perceptions and actions as we navigate our journey of sharing God’s Good News and his Kingdom to our families, congregations and communities.
Make Room is an AOG Group publication, born out of the desire of our Group and its national leadership to earnestly grapple with the theological foundations, principles and tools for justice in the context of South Africa.
This book is a guide that will help us begin a conversation about the ways that we can approach corporate and individual justice.
Make Room asks us to begin to re-learn what we have been taught, to re-read our history and our Bibles, and to re-discover each other.
It asks us to consider the “very good”-ness of our relationship with God and the “very good”-ness of our relationship with others.
Featured Resources
Make Room: A Guide to Biblical Justice in South Africa
Purchase your hard copy of the Make Room book. Books are avalible in South Africa for a Postnet-to-Postnet courier or local pickup in Johnnesburg and Cape Town.
R100.00 each
Kindle e-book
Find an electronic copy of this book on the Amazon Kindle store.
Make Room Conversation Group Facilitator’s Guide and Videos
Start a conversation today!
Designed for small groups, this group study and discussion of the Make Room book creates space for open, honest and exploratory conversations on the justice issues within your context.
This free download pack includes a facilitator’s guide and four video teachings.
FREE download
"Everyone talks about justice, but before you can, you have to decided what it means" - PBS Digital studios
Make Room Conversation Groups
Most of us are, in some way, justice-minded, but to make up our minds about what justice means for Jesus, we are required to become justice-talkers and then, ultimately, justice-doers.
The main aim of the Make Room Conversation Groups is to enable people from all walks of life to talk together in a safe space where we can explore, process and learn together.
After successfully running a number of groups, we have carefully packaged resources to empower you to start having these conversations in your own circles of influence.
A free, downloadable, facilitator’s guide and series of short teaching videos will enable to you run this 8-week course either online or in-person. All you need is for each participant to have access to the Make Room Book so that they can pre-read chapters that have been allocated for discussion each week.
We know that this process has the potential to be incredibly impactful and is an effective tool for nation building. We are excited and expectant for what God is going to do in you and through you over the course of your Conversation Group.
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