The Adventures of Sibs & Dan


Kids Church Curriculum

Make Room Kids Edition:
The Adventures of Sibs & Dan

is a collection of stories that uses

prophetic imagination to help us engage with, and understand the Bible.

This is a storybook for kids between the ages of 5 & 9 years old but it is also a resource for you, as a parent, grandparent, guardian or even Kids Church Leader.

With additional Questions to Ask, Things to Think About and Things to Pray About after each adventure, every story helps prompt and enable conversations that can help our kids navigate, and live well in, the world we live in.

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Jesus and Justice

Why develop resources, stories and curriculum with a focus on justice?

Throughout the Bible we are reminded that justice and righteousness are interwoven in the very fabric of God’s being, the Kingdom of God and the salvation strategy of Christ.

Justice and righteousness are not an addition to the Good News of Christ, they are encompassed in God’s restoration of human kind.

Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; steadfast love and faithfulness go before you.

– Psalm 89:14 ESV

Kids Church Curriculum

Kids are frank, kids are observant and they are not afraid to ask questions that can often shock and surprise us. In these situations we are asked to explain things that we ourselves do not have answers to. We often feel ambushed, unprepared, uninformed and incapable.

As Kids Church leaders, we are not immune to the difficult and out-of-the-blue questions that are often asked of parents and primary care-givers. We also often feel ambushed and unprepared.

And the questions of discipleship and development are as important for a Kids Church leader who is developing a curriculum, as it is for a parent who is constantly planning, thinking and learning so as to lead and mentor their children well.

We would like this book, and this curriculum, to be a resource for you and your church, in whichever context you find yourselves.

 Have a real life adventure with

Sibs & Dan at Kids Church!

What’s in the Curriculum?

The Make Room Kids Curriculum: The Adventures of Sibs and Dan consists of a folder for all 20 stories.

Each story will be able to be used for a whole month’s teachings – four lesson plans in total. This will therefore give your Kids Church a possible 2 year curriculum.

In each folder will be the following:

  • An overview of the story’s four lesson plans, scriptures and teaching
  • Four story-by-story lesson plans
  • Story Slides with illustrations from each story, in ‘png’ format for screen display (or print)
  • A Story Slide guide – a word doc with a shortened version of each story for use within the lesson (which goes together with the story slides)
  • An illustration from each story which can be coloured in as well as memory verse printables

There are also bonus printables. These will include a family values poster as well as summary/pledge posters of what Sibs and Dan learn.

I love the topics – real practical ways to love people well in situations that they would find themselves in in their actual lives. 

It is very relatable and implementable. The story is what helps children relate to the biblical principal. 

Sibs & Dan could be like the “hosts” of the curriculum as you follow along on their adventures each week.

- Tammy, Cape Town

The adventures of Sibs & Dan is a great addition and I love that kids would get to walk a journey with them and not have different videos/stories each week to teach the lessons but it’s like they have friends they are exploring life with. 

- Aphiwe, Johannesburg

I love the points, Questions to Ask, Think and Pray

If you get kids thinking these questions it will almost become a habit in everyday things that happen. 

The crafts and object lessons are practical and don’t require a lot of material which is great from a financial resource point of view. 

- Natalie, Johannesburg

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